Tuesday 15 January 2008

ZinderZunder by Philip Ridley

Hello there, moonlit dudes! This is my last Philip Ridley review until I can find somewhere that stocks any others. My library has very limited stocks it would seem. GRRR. How can I get my razzmatazz fix, eh?

ZinderZunder is the tale of WonderMax, a young boy who loves tapdancing. The only problem is that since the arrival of little Baby Fleur no one seems to care about Max's tapdancing. Everyone should want to see his razzmatazz. Everyone should dig his razzmatazz. Thank goodness for the mysterious ZinderZunder who can make your wish come true.

Suddenly everybody in Paradise Square is demanding to see WonderMax's razzmatazz. Can he dance forever to please the mob? Is there a lesson in humility and patience for everyone to learn. Of course there is, in true, wacky Ridley style that is.

ZinderZunder is certainly not the best Ridley book. It has moments where it struggles in places. But, by golly Miss Molly, it sure is fun for the most part.

Philip Ridley is a god. Simple as that.

Rating: 3 out of 5.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

philip ridley has writen some brilliant books